Traditional Romany Spread


Traditional Romany Advice Spread

The traditional Romany spread used to go into different past, present and future areas of your life. I adapted it to replace the past card with an advice card as you already know what happened in the past and can instead do with some advice n what to do NOW to improve matters. My version gives present and future cards on seven different areas in your life and adds an advice card on each area. It is both a predictive and an advice spread. The areas covered by the spread include Emotional Matters and Inner Feelings, Relationships (this can cover a specific relationship or your relationships in general), Career, Finances, Spiritual and Personal Growth, Obstacles in your Path, and Physical and Mental Health.


Traditional Romany Advice Spread

The traditional Romany spread used to go into different past, present and future areas of your life. I adapted it to replace the past card with an advice card as you already know what happened in the past and can instead do with some advice n what to do NOW to improve matters. My version gives present and future cards on seven different areas in your life and adds an advice card on each area. It is both a predictive and an advice spread. The areas covered by the spread include Emotional Matters and Inner Feelings, Relationships (this can cover a specific relationship or your relationships in general), Career, Finances, Spiritual and Personal Growth, Obstacles in your Path, and Physical and Mental Health.

What I require from you:

Your name, age, career, relationship status, religion, parental status and star sign. I also need a valid e-mail address to send your reading to. Nothing I require will endanger your identity or contact information. No location, identity numbers, dates of birth, full names, banking details or anything like that will ever be asked and should not be sent, please.

I have 29 years of experience doing Tarot Readings, having done my first one at age 23. As you can see on the home page, a significant part of my career was spent doing online readings. I used to do readings for clients from my own and other esoteric shops. My talent is that I am great at interpreting the cards and getting extra insights when I do the reading. I do a physical reading with real tarot cards and type your report. This means a report can take up to 5 work days before it reaches you, depending on my workload. If you need an urgent, time-bound answer, drop me a note, and I will see how to shift things around to accommodate yours first.



Additional information

Quantity of spreads

One, Two, Three, Four, Five


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